Monday, July 19, 2010


The past few months have been very eventful.

April 26th I started my internship with "An Oasis of Hope" Biblical Counseling. During my time there I learned about counseling, God, the Bible and myself. I also was privileged to meet two people that I think will be in my life forever. I know without a shadow of a doubt that my intern placement was in God's plan for me.

During this time I was also preparing the four Arizona United States Queens for Nationals. I could not be more proud of these girls and the hard work they put in. I will never forget this experience with these incredible ladies.

While all these amazing things have been going on I have also had some hard times that I never expected. My mom has been telling me my whole life that I am strong, I never believed her because I thought it was something moms had to say. Then one day in my internship, Roderick mentioned my strength and although I was flattered I didn't believe him either. I finally see what they were talking about. The last four weeks of my life have had some great moments but more than that there have been moments where I just wanted to quit. I wanted to sleep and wake up and the hurt would be gone.

Even today there are moments I know everything is going to be okay then there are moments where all the hurt and anger come flooding back. I can not explain the comfort I have knowing that God is with me through all of it and he has placed some very special people in my life to support me. Through these hard times I have grown even closer to a few people and for that I am thankful. I have heard people say that peace isn't contentment when things are normal however it is about the storm. While today may be tough I am thankful that God has brought this to me, will bring me through it and will teach me something.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things I have learned so far this year

1. There are days I barely have the energy to get out of bed.. those are the days when I MUST workout.

2. It is not all about me, in fact very little is.

3. I have made mistakes but instead of living in guilt or depression I should learn from them and do everything I can not to repeat them.

4. Any guy would be lucky to have me.

5. The first step in fixing my problems is NOT realizing them, it is committing to work on them.

6. My family is the best ever. Seriously, the people in my family are incredible.

7. Instead of getting frustrated with how people treat me, instead I should be concerned for them. What is wrong with them that they would act in an unkind or inconsiderate manner? Again, it's not all about me :)

8. God is working strong in my life even I'm not.

9. Life is good.

Just venting

I just need to vent. For the past year, or so, I have been a pain to be around most days. So I am going to vent all my annoyances, leave them here and move on.

1. Why do people complain over and over about a situation then go right back into it? If someone really annoys you why constantly put yourself in a situation to be around them? There is a point when we need to worry about our own health and stability and seperate ourselves from people that hurt us.

2. Just because my opinion is different than yours doesn't mean I am wrong. Please don't give me the third degree just because I don't like everything you do.

3. Ex's should be left in the past. Please don't bring them into your new relationships, around your family or friends. It is awkward for everyone and causes unnecessary problems.

4. I get so annoyed when someone comments how annoyed they are they haven't heard from me when they also haven't made any effort to contact me.

5. Why do some old people move so incredibly slow on the streets but are "all up in my grill" in the grocery store? Please stay out of my bubble.

6. I am annoyed that I get so annoyed.